EPISODE 122 : Snowed Inn

The next two episodes here were a really loose and fun time. Joey McKeel, who is a close longtime friend, co-hosted and hung out with me on this set of shows. Joey and I both are record collectors, and our tastes tend to be very similar. We threw this together and recorded both episodes in one day. Lots got covered here. The OG cast of Sesame Street "Sing", Gary U.S. Bonds laments over the Crescent City, The Jayhawks encourage saving sadness for a day when it rains, Willie does Dylan with Calexico, Skip Spence gets moody from his masterpiece, The Police warns of truth, the Fab Four cover The Johnny Burnette Rock N' Roll Trio, and we hear Johnny, his brother Dorsey, and Paul Burlison themselves, as well. Plus more! Click it and hit the volume for a fun little hang, which continues on #123!