The saga continues. And by “saga”, I mean Thursday. This episode picks up where the last left you. Therefore, it’s one louder, isn’t it? Much more nuttiness ensues during this episode. My tribute to Ronnie Spector continues here, as well as a great demo from The Tragically Hip that you might not recognize even if you’re a fan, Ronnie Wood brings the serious soul to the party, The Police can’t figure out why they’re burning up, there was another great label from Memphis that people rarely mention… Frank Black loves the Grass Roots, Charlie Daniels tears up the Lone Star State, Violent Femmes don’t want you to go, and Wyatt anxiously hides in the bathroom with Gary. Much more, as well, including a short list of things I hope will change in 2022. Pipe dream, I’m sure. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for continued support. Let me know if you listen.