Well, to continue an experiment that seems to be working out. I took a little time to start up the next 100 for a couple of reasons. First of all, I wanted #100 to be the "featured" episode for a little longer than the others. I was very proud to have reached that point. Therefore, thank you to anyone that is reading this and listens to what I do. I enjoy it immensely, and I don't know what I'd do without it, now. It's a nice escape, yet at the same time, its an exploration in self-indulgence. Ha.
We begin this episode with Social Distortion and it takes off from there. Look for The Big Boys, Bob Dylan's brand new album, a great cover of a Love song, The James Gang, Brian Eno will never hear this, The Harptones, Chuck Prophet, Golden Smog, and much more. I hope you all enjoy episode 101! I have been planning and scheming to get some new episode ideas to flourish. Look for some upcoming fun with the episodes! Pass the word!
Take Care of yourselves and one another. See ya on #102.